Saturday, 30 June 2012

Online Grocery Shopping

Online Grocery Shopping

The age profile of online grocery shoppers broadly follows the age profile of all internet shoppers, with a profile which skews largely towards the younger shopper. This is particularly the case for 25-44 year-old, and is closely linked to the presence of children in the household(3.he birth of children (from pregnancy to birth of first or subsequent children), and time periods when children are in the house more, such as school holidays, were increasingly seen as events which triggered a move towards online shopping Online grocery shopping.

Online Grocery Shopping

Online Grocery Shopping

Online Grocery Shopping

Online Grocery Shopping

Online Grocery Shopping

Online Grocery Shopping

Online Grocery Shopping

Online Grocery Shopping

Online Grocery Shopping

Online Grocery Shopping

Online Grocery Shopping

Online Grocery Shopping

Online Grocery Shopping

Online Grocery Shopping

Online Grocery Shopping

Online Grocery Shopping

Online Grocery Shopping





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